One of the challenges of working in a small shop is the need to apply finish to a project in an area that is covered with dust. Every time you walk, you stir it up, and it ends up on your finish. Large shops typically have a s completely separate room for finishing, and often have specific workers who are tasks to do this process. They are often the most skilled of the woodworking crew.
In a small one-man shop, you end up trying to work around the issue. You clean up the shop at the end of the day, and try to prep the project and clean it as much as possible. The next morning, before you have done any work, you hop in and apply finish, hopefully one that dries quickly. In that way, you get the finishing done and out of the way before you start working on other projects.
Today I had to apply the finish to a couple of cabinet doors. I’m using a shellac finish (one of my favorites) which I diluted with some denatured alcohol, so that it would be easier to apply and would dry faster. Shellac is a wonderful, food-safe finish that is easily repairable, but is subject to damage if you leave a drink on it – especially an alcoholic drink. The blue tape is to protect the glass from getting finish on it.
Three coats on, and now I’ll let it dry.
Where there is a will, there is a way.