Its always an interesting question when working on projects. Machinery can do repetitive tasks quickly, once you have done the setup and test cuts (which can be time consuming). Hand tools can do the one-off tasks very quickly, oftentimes faster than machines (when you take into account all the setup time necessary). The best description I’ve heard is that machinery in a small woodshop is like having an apprentice – someone to do the lumber milling and repetitive work necessary, while you (the master) concentrate on the hand-cut joinery (mortise & tenon, dovetails, etc.) or the hardware. That is how I tend to use machines in the shop.
In this case, its time to put the hinges on my latest batch of “Tery’s Tea Box.” So out comes the hand tools to measure & mark the mortises, and the chisels to cut them out. In this way I am able to ensure the boxes hinges work well, and gives it the special touch that machinery just can’t accomplish. Its also fun to just put on some music and relax in the shop.